Enzo 2.4 documentation

SetAccelerationBoundary (SAB)ΒΆ

One of the minor bugs in Enzo that was uncovered by the addition of MHD-CT is the boundary on the gravitational acceleration field.

Enzo currently solves gravity in two phases: first by Fast Fourier Transform on the root grid, then by multigrid relaxation on the subgrids. Unfortunately, each subgrid is solved as an individual problem, and is not very concious of its neighbours.

The problem with this is the ghost zones. Enzo MHD-CT is not a divergence free method, but a divergence preserving method. There isn’t a mechanism that reduces the divergence of the magnetic field. Unfortunately, inconsistencies in any fluid quantity can lead to divergence in the magnetic field. The magnetic field is stored on the faces of each computational zone, and are updated by an electric field that is stored on the edges. Since this data sits in the face of the zone, whenever two grids abut, they share a face, so it is vital that both grids describe everything in the stencil of the face centered fields identically, otherwise they will get different results for the magnetic field on that face, and divergence will be generated. It was noticed that in the case of the AccelerationField that due to the isolated nature of the gravity solver, the ghost zones of a subgrid didn’t necessarily equal the active zones of grids that were next to it. Thus the Magnetic fields in the shared face would ultimately be computed slightly differently, and divergence would show up.

The proper fix for this is replacing the gravity solver with one that is aware of the entire subgrid hierarchy at once, but this is quite costly in both programmer time and in compute time. Work has begun on this project at the LCA, but has not yet been finished.

As an intermediate step, Enzo was hacked a little bit. Initially, the main loop in EvolveLevel.C looked like this:

for( grid=0, grid< NumberOfGrids, grid++){

Among, of course, many other physics and support routines. This was broken into two loops, and a call to SetBoundaryConditions() as inserted between the two.

for( grid=0, grid< NumberOfGrids, grid++){
for( grid=0, grid< NumberOfGrids, grid++){

However, since SetBoundaryConditions() doesn’t natively know about the AccelerationField, another kludge was done. A new set of pointers ActualBaryonField was added to Grid.h, and the true pointers are saved here, while the BaryonField array is temporarily pointed to AccelerationField. This saved a substantial rewrite of the boundary setting routines, at the expense of some less-than-ideal code.

This is not a bug that makes much difference overall in cosmology simulations, and it does not solve the problem of artificial fragmentation that has been noticed by some groups. Cosmology tests have been done that compare solutions both with and without this fix, and only negligible changes appear. So for most runs, it simply adds the expense of an extra boundary condition set. However, with MHD-CT runs it is absolutely necessary, for explosive divergence will show up. Additionally, and other simulations that are extremely sensitive to overall conservation or consistency will require this flag. In any condition where the user is potentially concerned about we suggest running a test both with and without SAB, and comparing the answers. SAB brings the compuational expense of an additional boundary condition call, and the memory expense of three global fields, since without it the AccelerationField exists only on a single grid at a time, while with it all three fields must be created on the entire hierarchy at once. This is not a major expense on either count for most simulations.

This is controled by the preprocessor directive SAB. If this is defined, the necessary steps are taken to call the acceleration boundary. In the file machine make file, Make.mach.machine-name, this should be added to the variable MACH_DEFINES