The Enzo Makefile System

The makefile system in Enzo is a bit complicated, because it’s designed to work on many different platforms, allow many different compile-time configuration settings, and be usable by automated systems such as the lcatest parallel program testing environment.

To decouple machine-specific settings from configuration-specific settings, it’s organized into separate files summarized below. Note that the files discussed on this page are found in the src/enzo subdirectory.

Makefile The main makefile for compiling the Enzo executable enzo.exe
Make.mach.* These files contain all machine-dependent settings
Make.config.* These files contain all compile-time configuration settings

If there is already a Make.mach.* file present for the particular machine you want to compile on, and you just want to compile Enzo with the default configuration, then compiling is relatively straightforward. For example, to compile Enzo on NICS’s Kraken platform (starting from the top-level Enzo directory):

cd src/enzo
gmake machine-nics-kraken

If all goes well, this should create the enzo.exe executable in the src/enzo subdirectory. Also, note that gmake is required, though make may work on your system as well.

Machine settings

If there is not already a Make.mach.* file present for your platform, you will need to create one. The easiest way to port Enzo to a new platform is to copy an existing Make.mach.* file to a new one and edit it accordingly. Generally, all variables prefixed by MACH_ in Make.mach.* files should be assigned a value (even if that value is an empty string), and all variables that begin with LOCAL_ (or anything else) are optional and only accessed within the Make.mach.* file itself.

The list of MACH_ variables that can be set are listed below.

General variables:

MACH_FILE Name of the make include file for the machine, e.g. Make.mach.nics-kraken
MACH_TEXT Description of the platform, e.g. "NICS Kraken"
MACH_VALID Should be set to 1, though not currently accessed

Paths to compilers:

MACH_CPP The C preprocessor
MACH_CC_MPI The MPI C compiler
MACH_CC_NOMPI The C compiler
MACH_CXX_MPI The MPI C++ compiler
MACH_CXX_NOMPI The C++ compiler
MACH_F90_MPI The MPI F90 compiler
MACH_F90_NOMPI The F90 compiler
MACH_FC_MPI The MPI F77 compiler
MACH_FC_NOMPI The F77 compiler
MACH_LD_MPI The MPI linker (typically the MPI C++ compiler)
MACH_LD_NOMPI The linker (typically the C++ compiler)

Compiler flags:

MACH_CPPFLAGS Machine-dependent flags for the C preprocessor, e.g. -P -traditional
MACH_CFLAGS Machine-dependent flags for the C compiler
MACH_CXXFLAGS Machine-dependent flags for the C++ compiler
MACH_F90FLAGS Machine-dependent flags for the F90 compiler
MACH_FFLAGS Machine-dependent flags for the F77 compiler
MACH_LDFLAGS Machine-dependent flags for the linker

Machine-specific flags:

MACH_DEFINES Machine-specific defines, e.g. -DLINUX, -DIBM, -DIA64, etc.

Paths to include header files:

MACH_INCLUDES All required machine-dependent includes–should at least include HDF5.
MACH_INCLUDES_HYPRE Includes for optional Hypre linear solver package
MACH_INCLUDES_MPI Includes for MPI if needed
MACH_INCLUDES_CUDA Includes for CUDA if needed
MACH_INCLUDES_PYTHON Includes for Python if needed

Paths to library files:

MACH_LIBS All required machine-dependent libraries–should at least include HDF5.
MACH_LIBS_HYPRE Libraries for optional Hypre linear solver package
MACH_LIBS_MPI Libraries for MPI if needed
MACH_LIBS_PAPI Libraries for optional PAPI performance package (optionally called by lcaperf)
MACH_LIBS_CUDA Libraries for CUDA if needed
MACH_LIBS_PYTHON Libraries for Python if needed

Optimization flags:

MACH_OPT_AGGRESSIVE Compiler/link flags for “aggressive” optimization
MACH_OPT_DEBUG Compiler/link flags for debugging
MACH_OPT_HIGH Compiler/link flags for standard optimizations
MACH_OPT_WARN Compiler/link flags to generate verbose warning messages

Although it breaks from the MACH_* naming convention, there is also a MACHINE_NOTES variable for machine-specific information that is displayed whenever Enzo is compiled.

Makefile commands

The default action of typing gmake without a target is to attempt to compile Enzo. Other high-level makefile targets are help, and clean:

gmake Compile and generate the executable enzo.exe
gmake help Display this help information
gmake clean Remove object files, executable, etc.

(For brevity we’ll omit the gmake portion for the remainder of the discussion.)

Configuration-related targets are help-config, show-config, show-flags, and default:

help-config Display detailed help on configuration make targets
show-config Display the current configuration settings
show-flags Display the current compilers and compilation flags
default Reset the configuration to the default values

Note that gmake default may also clear your machine setting, in which case you will need to rerun gmake machine-platform.

Configuration options

Other configuration targets, set using e.g. gmake integers-32, are listed below:

Free parameters

max-subgrids-N Set the maximum number of subgrids to N.
max-baryons-N Set the maximum number of baryon fields to N.
max-tasks-per-node-N Set the number of tasks per node to N.
memory-pool-N Set initial memory pool size (in number of photons).

Precision settings

integers-[32|64] Set integer size to 32- or 64-bits.
precision-[32|64] Set floating-point precision to 32- or 64-bits.
particles-[32|64|128] Set particle position precision to 32-, 64-, or 128-bits.
inits-[32|64] Set inits precision to 32- or 64-bits.
io-[32|64] Set IO precision to 32- or 64-bits.
particle-id-[32|64] Set integer size for particle IDs

Global settings

testing-[yes|no] Include hooks for the lcatest regression tests

Algorithmic settings

bitwise-[no|yes] Turn on blocking-gravity for bitwise identical runs
emissivity-[no|yes] Include emissivity field
fastsib-[no|yes] Include fast sibling search
fluxfix-[no|yes] Include sibling subgrid boundary fix
newgridio-[no|yes] Use the new Grid IO routines
photon-[no|yes] Include radiative transfer (adaptive ray tracing)

External libraries

use-mpi-[yes|no] Set whether to use MPI.
isolated-bcs-[yes|no] Set whether to compile in isolated boundary conditions code
tpvel-[yes|no] Set whether to compile in tracer particle velocity information
lcaperf-[yes|no] Set whether to call the optional lcaperf performance tool
papi-[yes|no] Set whether to link in the PAPI library if required by lcaperf
hypre-[no|yes] Include HYPRE libraries (implicit RT solvers)
cuda-[no|yes] Set whether to use CUDA (GPU-computing)
python-[no|yes] Set whether to use inline python
use-hdf4-[no|yes] Set whether to use HDF4

Performance settings

opt-VALUE Set optimization/debug/warning levels, where VALUE = [warn|debug|high|aggressive|cudadebug]
taskmap-[yes|no] Set whether to use unigrid taskmap performance modification
packed-amr-[yes|no] Set whether to use ‘packed AMR’ disk performance modification.
packed-mem-[yes|no] Set whether to use ‘packed memory’ option: requires packed AMR.
unigrid-transpose-[yes|no] Set whether to perform unigrid communication transpose performance optimization
ooc-boundary-[yes|no] Set whether to use out-of-core handling of the boundary
log2alloc-[yes|no] Set whether to compile with grid/particle arrays allocated in sizes of powers of 2

The Make.config.* Files

The Make.config.settings and Make.config.override files

The default configuration settings and current configuration settings are stored in the two files Make.config.settings and Make.config.override.

The Make.config.settings file consists of assignments to the CONFIG_* make variables that define the default configuration settings in Enzo’s makefile. This file should not be modified lightly. If you type gmake default, then these will become the currently active settings.

The Make.config.override file, together with the Make.config.settings file, define the current configuration settings. This file should also not be edited (since misspelled configuration variable names may not be detected, leading to behavior that is unexpected and difficult to locate), though it will be modified indirectly through gmake when setting new configuration values. For example, if you were to type gmake integers-32, then the Make.config.override file would contain CONFIG_INTEGERS = 32. The values in the Make.config.override file essentially override the settings in Make.config.settings.

In summary:

default settings = Make.config.settings

current settings = Make.config.settings + Make.config.override

Typing gmake default will clear the Make.config.override file entirely, making the default settings in Make.config.settings the current settings.

The Make.config.objects file

This file is used simply to define the list of all object files, excluding the file containing main(). Only one variable needs to be set.

OBJS_CONFIG_LIB List of all object files excluding the file containing main()

Dependencies are generated automatically using the makedepend command and stored in the DEPEND file, so dependencies don’t need to be explicitly included. If it complains about missing files, such as DEPEND or Make.config.override, then try (re)-running the ./configure script in the top-level Enzo subdirectory.

The Make.config.targets file

This file contains rules for all configuration-related make targets. It exists mainly to reduce the size of the top-level Makefile. When adding new configuration settings, this file will need to be modified.

The Make.config.assemble file

This file contains all the makefile magic to convert configuration settings (defined by $(CONFIG_*) make variables) into appropriate compiler flags (such as $(DEFINES), $(INCLUDES), etc.). When adding a new configuration setting, this file will need to be modified.

James Bordner (jobordner at